Common Elements

Many of the screens in MilGPS have common elements. These common elements make the app easier to use.

GPS Status Bar

Screens used for navigation (location, navigate and map screens) all share a common status bar which indicates the accuracy and status of the GPS receiver.

Your device can source location information of various accuracy from different sources, so it is imporant always to understand the accuracy of the current location fix. Similarly, a GPS Error (due to airplane mode or location services being disabled) will also significantly affect the app and is therefore noted prominently on screens that make use of GPS info.

You can tap the accuracy or GPS status in the status bar to get more information.

Action Buttons

The location, navigation and map screen all contain an action button in the top right corner. Tapping this button will bring up a menu of relevant actions that can be performed from that screen.

All top-level screens contain a menu button in the top left corner. Tap this button to reveal the main menu. It is usually also possible to swipe from left to right on the left edge of the display to reveal the menu. This won’t occur on screens where swiping does something else (eg on the map screen swiping moves the map, so the menu isn’t accessible via a swipe)