Overlays screen

The overlays screen allows you to create, edit and delete overlays.

To add an overlay press the + button in the top right corner. You will be prompted to enter a name for the overlay. The overlay will then appear in the list.

To delete overlays, press the edit button in the top right corner and then use the delete buttons that apear. Or swipe from right to left on the overlay you wish to delete. Deleting an overlay cannot be undone and deletes all the points in that overlay.

To rename an overlay press the edit button and then tap on the overlay. You will be prompted to enter the new name for the overlay.

Overlays can be set visible/invisible and active/inactive using the buttons on each overlay. The active overlay is the overlay that new points are added to (eg when adding a point from the map screen). The default overlay at the top of the list cannot be deleted.

To edit the points in an overlay, tap the overlay. The points screen will appear.