Point Detail / Edit Point Screen

The edit waypoint screen shows you the following information about a waypoint:

You can edit any of this information by tapping it. You can toggle between different location formats using the MGRS/UTM/Lat/Lon switch. This can also be used to perform coordinate conversions. The distance and bearing from your current location to the waypoint is also displayed if available. This is useful to sanity check grids as you are typing them in. A valid/invalid button also updates as you type and indicates whether you have entered a valid location. You can tap this button to see the accepted entry formats.

Whenever changes have been made to the point, the buttons at the top of the screen will show “Cancel” and “Save”. You need to explicity tell MilGPS to save the point before it will be updated. This is to ensure that points are not modified inadvertently (eg changing the UTM hemisphere due to a wayward tap)

You can also perform actions with the point by pressing the action button in the top right corner or by scrolling down: